Freshly baked brownie bowls to be filled with your favorite ice cream. A fun recipe for any ole time or a variety of holidays. In addition to the items...
After seeing this idea floating around the web, I thought I'd experiment a little. Three simple ingredients, no sugar added, no ice cream machine needed......
I couldn't find any recipes for chocolate peanut butter ice cream on this site, so I made one up. This is amazingly delicious--trust me on this. After...
A smooth and delicious Vanilla Ice Cream, generously sprinkled with Milk Chocolate Chips. I found this on the 'Real Simple' website, and couldn't resist...
Nothing beats the flavors of rich chocolate, refreshing peppermint, and luscious vanilla ice cream on a hot day. This pretty ice box cake comes together...
The most delicious mint ice cream there is--tinted pink and studded with crushed candy canes or peppermint candies. This is bound to become your new fave....
This recipe from Salt & Straw takes sweet, rich strawberry ice cream up a notch-honey balsamic vinegar adds some tang and finely ground black pepper brings...
From TOH a gal from Baldwin, Wisconsin originally submitted. I have increased the original peach/water amount as hubby and I prefer a stronger peach taste....
A dear friend shared this recipe with me when I was gifted my KitchenAid Ice Cream Mixer attachment. It doesn't get any easier than this and tastes just...
Peanut butter, jelly, and buttery crackers, now updated in no-churn ice cream pie form. Any nut or seed butter (creamy or crunchy!), jam or jelly, or cracker...
Poaching peaches in ginger beer infuses them with sweet, spicy flavor. Layer the poached fruit with ice cream and top with more ginger beer for a fun new...
Slightly adapted recipe from the National Honey Board - this decadent dessert is easy to whip together - layering chocolate ice cream, peanut butter parfait...
My husband and I created this recipe a few years ago from a basic ice cream recipe, after experimenting we perfected it. Make this when cherries are in...
The best homemade chocolate peanut butter ice cream! An ultra-rich & creamy chocolate peanut butter ice cream base is loaded with peanut butter chunks...
These rich popsicles are made with a chocolate pudding base, whipped topping and cherry preserves. With some help from the store, you can have these done...
Watching frozen bananas blend into ice cream seems like magic; no sugar or dairy required. For extra flavor, stir in toasted chopped walnuts and dark chocolate...
Mmmm! I've always loved Hagen Daazs' Baileys ice cream, and when I found a deal on an ice cream maker, this was a recipe I needed to try! Modified from...
I use my favorite no-churn ice-cream recipe in these ice-cream sandwiches which makes them really quick and easy. You could use your own favorite ice-cream;...
Crisp and nutty -- a nice change of pace for breakfast! Wonderful, too, as dessert waffles with ice cream and chocolate sauce. From the Peter Pan Peanut...
The slow cooker doesn't have to be for all-day projects. This simple dessert is easy to assemble right before a dinner party, and the tender, boozy peaches...
No chips in this Chocolate Ice Cream. Made for my son's Birthday. His favorite Ice cream is chocolate ice cream with mint flavor. He doesn't enjoy the...
This recipe comes from my daughter-n-laws mother. We have this delicious homemade oreo ice cream every year when I go to visit them in the summer. This...
When a crunchy salted press-in crust and swirly fruity ice cream team up, everyone wins. It's pie without baking and an ice cream sundae without the fuss....
This is quick, easy, and brings out your sweet tooth! I prefer maple syrup but you can use any kind of syrup according to your sweet tooth. Honey also...
Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream is very famous out of Columbus Ohio. She generously gave one of her recipes in Ohio Magazine June 2011 issue.She said she puts...
This is based on my favorite Peach Blackberry Pie recipe, originally from Victoria magazine's Christmas book. I love it, but in summer, I never feel like...